Since 1971, Greene, Inc. has provided best practice adult day and vocational training services for thousands of adults with developmental disabilities. Greene, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 agency provider of Medicaid waiver services for the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities as well as a provider of services for individuals with developmental disabilities funded by local tax dollars through the Greene County Board of Developmental Disabilities. We provide these services through a thriving adult day service program with a person centered approach focused on individual choice and community participation.
To provide meaningful lifelong supports to enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities.
Our vision is to provide programs and supports in partnership with families to assist and encourage individuals with developmental disabilities to lead a positive, rewarding and fulfilling life as a valued member of their community. These services will span from early childhood through adult life and into senior years.
Core Values
Integrity (encompasses honesty, responsibility, consistency, respect)
Experience (encompasses wisdom, knowledge, insight)
Perseverance (encompasses determination, never give up, dedication, tenacious)
Compassion (encompasses kindness, patience, trust, caring, empathy, love)
Board of Directors
Jeff Brock, Board Chair
Allan Cummings
Jerry Pfeifer
Karl Colon
Mark Bradstreet
Tony Casillano
Jerad Barnett
Julie Sullivan
Jennifer Schmidt
Broc Begley
Dean Henry
Becka Perales